The clan! (Missing our youngest)

Candidate Biography

In 1973, my family built a house near the old village in Dayton. I have family dating back to Dayton's founding. I spent much of my childhood fishing in the local rivers; hiking, biking, and sledding in the fields/bottom lands; and camping on Goodin Island. After serving in the Air Force, I returned to Dayton and worked my tail off to get my first of three engineering degrees while working nights. Over the years I've regularly attended City Council meetings, served on various commissions, and volunteered in the community. My wife also served on the Public Safety Commission and volunteers for organizations/activities that benefit the local community. Our 5 kids spend their time working on our small hobby farm and participating in school sports and band activities.

I have spent the last 18 years working as an engineer for Medtronic, where I am paid to create value-added solutions to a range of issues. I believe that my ability to analyze problems and come up with multiple solutions (at work and home) is useful in finding constructive ways to deal with matters the city is facing.

Professional background

  • Bacheler of Science Electrical Engineering St. Cloud State.
  • Master of Software Engineering University of Minnesota
  • Minor in Biomedical Engineering
  • 3 years active Air Force
  • 3 years Air National Guard
  • Electrical Engineer at Honeywell for 16 years
  • Test Environment Engineer for Medtronic for 18 years

Qualities / skills

  • I understand the history/dynamics of the city, as I have lived in 3 different areas of it over the last 45 years, and have seen how council decisions can significantly impact residents.
  • I am analytical in my thinking and believe government actions should be due to a real need and be easily justifiable.

Community Involvement

  • Active participant in local events and volunteer in the community
  • Parks Commission
  • Public Safety Commission
  • Commission on open spaces
  • Comp plan update
  • Host for Dayton by Design team
  • Dayton Horse Association
  • Lions International
  • CDAA coach
  • Dayton Community Foundation
  • Dayton Heritage Day Committee
Making sure that her bath has meaning!