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Current Events
- If you or people in your area want to meet and discuss any topics on your mind, reach out to me and I will set up a time to visit.
- If you hear something you're curious to know more about, feel free to contact me!
- As you're driving on the river road by Stephen's park you'll notice construction on the south side of the road. That's the new central water system treatment facility. The goal is to get it online at the end of this year.
- Many of you are familiar with the phrase "rural look and feel" or "rural character." Dayton residents have said this is important to them and I agree. It's even in our mission statement. Unfortunately our history over the past 15-20 years doesn't reflect it very well. We will soon have a work session on the topic and discuss what it means and what actions the city should take to get on board with it (assuming 3+ of the 5 agree). If you have ideas PLEASE LET ME KNOW!
Item G (Appointments)
This was to appoint members/staff to various positions. Here's the list:
Acting Mayor (backup)- David Fashant
Planning Commission Liaison- Dennis Fisher / Alternate- Scott Salonek
Park Commission Liaison- Matt Trost / Alternate- Travis Henderson
Elm Creek Watershed- Doug Bains/ Alternate- Travis Henderson
League of Minnesota Cities- Zach Doud /Alternate- Amy Benting
N/W Henn League of Municipalities- Dennis Fisher / Alternate- David Fashant
I-94 Corridor Commission- Zach Doud / Alternate- Marty Farrell
I-94 Chamber- Dennis Fisher / Alternate David Fashant
EDA/HRA- Scott Salonek and David Fashant/ Alternate- Matt Trost
Fire Relief Association Rep- Matt Trost / Alternate- NA Staff: Amy Benting
Assistant Weed Inspector- Hunter Dotseth, CSO
Metro Cities- Dave Fashant
North Metro Mayors- Dennis Fisher/ Alternate David Fashant
Item H (Personal Policy Update)
While looking into a military leave of absence for one of our staff last month we discovered our policy wasn't in compliance with the state statutes. This was to correct that.
Item I (River Road Ditch Stabilization)
Last summer Hennepin county shut down the river road in order to "stabilize" the ravines on the river but for some reason they skipped one. The city applied for grants and received enough to perform the work on the one they skipped. This was to approve that work. At this time the total cost is limited to the grant amounts. It passed 5-0.
Item J (City Fees)
With some minor increase over escrows for various applications, this was similar to last years fees. What staff has found is the escrow for various development activities was often not enough to cover costs so that was adjusted accordingly.
There were 2 items I wanted changed and those were approved. There was a suggestion in the agenda to move the deck permit fee back to the value based fees which I don't agree with. In general I think the state building code needs some work. Basing the permit and planning fees on the value of what the permit is for isn't rational (i.e. a permit for a $500,000 home is twice that of a $250,000 home even though the inspection steps are close to the same). It's one of the reasons the city of Dayton was sued recently. It assumes the amount of work the city does for a permit is related to the value. It's not. Unfortunately we can't charge any other way for primary buildings, but we can for smaller items such as decks. That fee we set to match our cost, $275.
Another change I recommended was to restore the planning fee we charge builders back to what everyone else is charging. We had reduced it back around 2021 due to the high amount of building requests we had coming in. With the projected numbers much lower we would actually lose money if it was left where it was at. Now that planning fee is 65% of the permit cost rather than 25%. The fee schedule was approved 5-0.
Please contact me with any questions or concerns.