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Item D (Three Rivers Park Presentation)
Periodically, the Three Rivers Park district will present their overall trail plans for the area, what they've accomplished, and what their local focus is. It's important to realize these plans have a timeline measured over decades (many) and property is typically purchased on the open market (unless a city council is voted in that likes to condemn things ...)
Item E (Park contract award)
This is a big one. This awarded the contract for 3 park improvements; Donahue Dells, Hayden Hills, and Stephen's parks. Donahue Dells was basically a rebuild of what was there. It had been neglected for many years and this should refresh it. Hayden Hills is more of a regional park and, like River Hills, a lot of resident input went into it. Finally, the Stephen's Park improvement (phase 2), will open up the west side of the park. This will provide 2 pedestrian bridges and a vehicle bridge over the ravine. I have said for YEARS that we needed to DO something with this park instead of it looking like a dump. I pushed to bring Phase 1 in earlier than planned and phase 2 gets it almost there (though it's likely to always be a work in progress).
All of these are intended to be complete this fall.
These parks represent a significant expenditure, but all the money comes from park and trail funds (which is collected through commercial and residential development) and not taxes.
If you have an interest in what the layouts look like, you can find it in the packet or contact me.
Item F (closed session)
All I can say regarding this is it was a discussion on negotiations with landowners along West French Lake road for right of way.
Item G (Purchase Agreement)
This was to finalize the purchase of property for use as a holding pond for West French Lake Road and some right of way.
Item H (Authorize advertisement of Bids)
This was to authorize advertisement of bids for the construction of portions of West French Lake Road.
As always, contact me for additional information, opinions, comments...