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Current Events
- If you or people in your area want to meet and discuss any topics on your mind, reach out to me and we will set up a time to visit.
- The city has an opening on the planning commission. Contact me or the city directly.
- The city is opening up a position for a part time (20 hours / week) activities employee. Contact me or the city directly.
Item C (Deerwood Parking / Striping)
If you've been keeping up, Deerwood has been on our agenda a number of times lately. The bottom line is local residents had concerns about the safety of the road given the traffic and number of pedestrians on the road. The end result isn't perfect, but I believe it should result in a safer road.
Parking on the west side will not be allowed. The north and south bound traffic will be moved over 6 feet and a pedestrian / biking / parking lane will be created on the east side.
Item I (152nd)
152nd is on the west side of the city off of Brockton. Maintenance for it has been on our long term plan for a few years. The road is to the point where it's in need of some amount of rebuild. The original thinking by staff was that it would need a replacement of the entire pavement. The estimate on that is $600k. That would give the road a new lifespan of about 20 years.
Unfortunately there are a few uncertainties about the future of the road given that there may be a small school built on the property to the east of it and a possible water tower which could mean utilities run under the street in the next 10 years (very rough estimates).
Our engineer now believes that the underlying soils are in good shape and it would make sense, given these uncertainties, that we would do what is called a "mill and overlay" which basically means removing a good amount of the pavement and paving over it. That is estimated at $200k. These typically have a life of 8 years.
A minor complicating factor is our road study is supposed to be complete late this fall. While it would be nice to have that complete before making any decisions, this road is shot so the council directed staff to look at the mill and overlay solution.
Item J (Permit for Home Business)
For decades the property in question (SW Zanzibar & South Diamond) has been in the business of indoor and outdoor storage. A few years back the property was sold and they were told to get a permit. This item is the result. Lots of details here due to the location, type of property, and history, But it seems like both the city and property owner were happy with the solution.
Item K (Crosswalk Policy)
This was requested by one of the council members a few months back. They wanted a way for the city to know what should go into a crosswalk. I think the issue isn't a lack of criteria, it's just making sure there IS one where needed. And the bigger issue is that where they are typically needed in the city is on county roads... and we all know where that ends up.
As always, contact me with questions / opinions.